Proof of success

Proof of success


POS visibility

Haribo China - Sichtbarkeit am POS

eCommerce Distribution: TMall flagship store

Haribo China - eCommerce Distribution: TMall Flagship Store

POS sales events

Haribo China - Verkaufsevents am POS

Goldbear Happiness Tour

Launch campaign 2015 in Shanghai, Suzhou and Wuxi; 88 locations, 6 million impressions, 850,000 game participants and 12,000 new WeChat fans.
Haribo China - Goldbär Happiness Tour

Brand building and social media

Two and a half years after launching the WeChat fan platform, HARIBO was the most popular fruit gum brand in Chinese social media: With 180,000 fans, 58 million impressions, 3.5 million page views and 60,000 entries HARIBO won the "Most Innovative Brand" award by the Beijing School of Journalism.
Haribo China - Markenaufbau und Soziale Medien

Viessmann China

Retail showrooms

In 2011, as an industry pioneer Viessmann China implemented a nationwide leading showroom network at dealer level including monitoring system and loyalty program. Within 2 years more than 300 showrooms were opened.
Viessmann China - Retail Showrooms

Timo Boll sport sponsoring

Viessmann China - Timo Boll Sportsponsoring

Participation at trade shows

Viessmann China - Messebeteiligung

Viessmann Art Exhibition "Embedded Creation", Beijing, 798 / UCCA

China's first corporate design and art exhibition at China's leading gallery UCCA in Beijing's 798 artist district attracted over 53,000 visitors in 9 days, received nationwide media attention, and was included in the 2012 event series "Germany and China - 40 years of diplomatic relations" by the Federal Foreign Office. More...
Viessmann China - Kunstausstellung

Viessmann Solar Christmas Tree / Park Hyatt Shanghai

The Viessmann Solar Christmas Tree was first installed in 2011 in the luxury hotel The Opposite House in Beijing, and in 2012 at the entrance of the Park Hyatt Hotel in Shanghai. The solar-tube tree has been included in the Forbes "Top 10 Christmas Trees Worldwide 2012" ranking. More...
Viessmann China - Solar-Weihnachtsbaum / Park Hyatt Shanghai
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